Look what OUR kids can do…now how about YOURS?

So we are going to have our own daughters particiate in the Hour of Code because we want them to know that #girlscan, because we want them to feel confident in #STEAM subjects early on, and because it could be really fun! Like trying new foods … you never know until you try…#Greeneggsanham

We believe that students of all ages, races, genders should have encouraging experiences with tech early on in order to empower them with a tool that could give them more choices and opportunties later on in their lives. Check out this article about tech equity in the classroom from the conversation-starters @TeachingTolerance.  And for more info on Hour of Code, check out a quick article with live links, here or catch a synopsis below:

But what is the Hour of Code?

The Hour of Code is an initiative that takes place during CSEd Week (the second week of December) where everyone is encouraged to try programming for at least one hour. The idea behind the movement is very similar to getting a child to try a new food.  Someone may think that they don’t have a taste for programming, but a great first experience might chance their mind.

How do I participate in the Hour of Code?

How you try the Hour of Code is really up to you.  There are dozens of resources available at HourofCode.com, including art with Anna and Elsa, JavaScript for beginners, and a handful of “unplugged” activities by Thinkersmith that require ZERO access to technology or the Internet.

We encourage you to join our daughters and get YOUR students coding, too.

Be sure to let us know how it goes in the comments below.

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